Profile PictureShirsho Guha

am a passionate entrepreneur driven by a love for running businesses, a workaholic nature, and a desire to achieve financial success. At just 15 years old, I have started an AI Automation Agency, a Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA), engaged in E-Commerce, Freelancing, and launched a self-growth campaign aimed at empowering young adults financially, mentally, and physically. I identify business opportunities by analyzing industry trends and finding unique ways to offer something different. My strategies for growth include marketing, outreach, cold calls, cold emails, and partnerships. Innovation is at the heart of my approach, as I constantly seek new ways to create value and introduce unique products to the market. My vision is to build a supportive community where young adults can find resources, mentorship, and opportunities to thrive. I understand the importance of hard work, perseverance, and continuous self-improvement, and I inspire others by sharing my own story and proven results.